We are two North Carolina State University students planning a journey across America to to "discover" the country where we live. Our goal is to travel from California to North Carolina this summer while learning and experiencing as many new and interesting things as possible. Show support for our blog by telling us what you think and giving us ideas to maximize this experience for us. Also, if you are feeling generous or just want to help us out, any minimal donations towards our journey to help us pay for the small things we will need along the way (i.e. bread, peanut butter, jam) can be made by clicking on the "Donate" button below the fan page link.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

T-Shirts and Postcards (By: Kevin Tighe)

Before I say anything else I want to say that Zac and I are so excited for all the support we have been getting recently! Whether it be through people checking out our blog, or joining our facebook fan page, or whatever else, it has been great! It has really motivated Zac and I to really step up our game and get lots of things planned out that probably wouldn't have otherwise. Also it has made us so much more excited for the trip in general!

So on that note, we will be leaving exactly 4 weeks from today!...However as exciting as that is, we still have lots of things to take care of before we go. Most of these things are fun things, which makes it great, but we also have exams and test and stuff to do too, just like everyone else. But no one enjoys those anyways so whatever.

One of these fun things is that we had an idea to make T-shirts for Zac and I to wear when we are traveling. These shirts would say something about Discovering America 2010 and have something about the foundation(s) we are representing. Then people would be able to see what we are all about before we even starting talking to them. When we told people about this they all thought it was a good idea, and our friend Phiroze thought we should make more shirts to sell to people before we leave on May 12th. These shirts would be a design probably screen-printed with help from our friend Nettie. They would be very inexpensive to purchase, probably around $10 or however much it costs us to make them. (Once again we are not trying to make money from this, we are trying to spread publicity for these organizations we are representing.) So contact us (i.e. email, facebook, text) if you would be interested in purchasing a T-shirt. We want to get a general idea before we start printing them.

Another thing that we were thinking about doing was an idea given to me by my friend Mattison. She asked me if I would send her a postcard from somewhere that we stopped. And Zac and I thought that this would be a great idea to send lots of postcards to lots of people, to whoever wanted one. However we have a lot of people following us and couldn't afford to send out that many postcards. So then we were thinking if you were to donate a small amount of money to us for our trip, enough to cover the cost of the postcard, a stamp, the fees that paypal takes, and maybe a hamburger for Zac and I,(This would all probably be only about $5) then we could send a postcard to whoever wanted one. We thought it would be a neat way for us to personally thank individuals for donating to us, and for people to get a personal update on what we were doing! Please also let us know what you think about this idea.

Once again we want to thank everyone for their support and ideas so far! This whole thing wouldn't have come together so nicely without them. And if you have any other cool ideas we are open to anything, just send us a text or an email or something and let us know what you think we could/should do!

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